Hiring Staff and Screening Key Volunteers

Clubs are responsible for hiring and supervising their own coaches and staff and managing their own volunteers. Coaches, staff and volunteers who are in positions of trust or authority must be screened according to the Screening Policy (appendix A of the policy provides a great summary).

You may use this SafeSport Screening Tracking Tool to track screening, or you may create your own tool. You should also let your club members – especially those you’ll be screening – know you have begun implementing the policies. You can use this Letter to Club Members Template.

This includes:
Risk Level Example Required Screening
Medium Key volunteers and coaches who are not identified under the high-risk category 
  • Application form (Appendix B of Screening Policy) 
  • Screening Disclosure Form (Appendix C of Screening Policy) 
  • E-PIC (Police Information Check) 
  • Driver’s Abstract 
High Full-time coaches and coaches who travel or could be alone with athletes 
  • Medium risk requirements 
  • Vulnerable Sector Check 
  • Letter of reference 
Before agreeing to hire a coach, clubs should also complete the following:
  • Social media and Google search
  • Past employment reference checks, including all employers in the last five years
  • Verification of the coach training claimed on the resume (your Division office can verify coach training for you)

The club should carefully evaluate the information gathered as part of making a final decision to hire a coach. The screening process should be completed before the employee is hired.

Employment agreements should make SafeSport policy compliance a condition of ongoing employment.

As an employer, you are responsible for developing your coach’s skills, including providing professional development opportunities and collecting and providing feedback to your coach. This helps make sure staff is aligned with the club’s values and best practices. Athlete feedback is an important component of coach evaluations.